Consultation fees
All visits and telephone consultations are chargeable, unless otherwise stated. Fees charged reflect the level of expertise required and the time and resources utilised in your treatment. Each consultant sets their own consultation and procedure fees.
New referral consultations from £200
View our Consultants and their consultation fees here
Procedure fees
Clinic procedure fees are charged for items such as a skin biopsy, laser treatment or skin surgery. This may be covered entirely or partially by medical insurance. Prior to a procedure you should consult your insurance company to be sure that you are covered: they will issue with an authorisation code. Any outstanding balance must be paid by the patient.
The number of available procedures is very extensive, so only a few items have been placed on the website as a general guide. More details are available on request.
Excision of lesions up to 3 From £975 + Surgeon’s fee + histopathology
Curettage and cautery up to 3 £330 + Surgeon’s fee + histopathology
Biopsy of the skin £400 + Surgeon’s fee + histopathology
Shave biopsy of the skin £400 + Surgeon’s fee + histopathology
Excision of lipoma from £950 + Surgeon’s fee + histopathology
Hyfrecation only £265 + Surgeon’s fee
Incision and drainage of lesion including abcess From £550 + Surgeon’s fee
Cryotherapy From £110 + Surgeon’s fee
Laser fees
Laser fees are charged per treatment. Most laser patients will require a test patch, followed by full treatment at a later date. Laser treatments may be covered by medical insurance providing that treatments are not simply cosmetic in nature.
Laser test patch £165
Laser clinic fee £250 + doctors fee
Revlite SI
Laser clinic fee £300 + doctors fee
Aesthetic fees
Aesthetic treatments are charged in the components that you require. For example, you may request anti-wrinkle toxin and filler at the same occasion. Where possible, we reduce fees when treatments are bundled together. Aesthetic treatments are not paid for by private medical insurance and your doctor will not support a request for this unless there is a clear medical need.
Clinic injection fee £110 + doctors fee + drug cost
Chemical peel test clinic fee £150 + doctors fee
Chemical peel clinic fee From £500 + doctors fee
Allergy tests
Blood tests fees depend on the tests you have and are done through The Doctors Laboratory (TDL) rather than by Skin55 Limited. Complex tests such as patch tests for contact allergy are charged by Skin55 Limited.
These tests can be reimbursed by some insurers and you are advised to check prior to testing. Any shortfall will be payable by the patient.
Patch testing £600 including consultations
You will require an initial consultation with your dermatologist prior to commencing phototherapy treatment to determine if phototherapy is an appropriate treatment. Usually patients require a course of at least 18 treatments. You will be booked for an orientation appointment with one of our nurses who will also test how you skin responds to UVB light.
UVB orientation and MED test £85
UVB phototherapy £55 per session